Sword-wall (4R84)

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Sword-wall (4R84) is a Elven Event from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Sword-wall
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 84
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Elven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 2
Game Text Skirmish or Regroup: Spot 3 Elf companions to liberate a site or exert a minion.
Lore A fixed line of Elven blades can hold off great numbers of the Enemy's hordes.
DE - German
Card Name Schwertwall
Game Text Kampf oder Sammeln: Entdecke 3 Elbengefährten, um einen Ort zu befreien oder einen Diener anzustrengen.
Lore Eine standhafte Reihe elbischen Stahls vermochte eine große Zahl feindlicher Truppen aufzuhalten.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Muro De Espadas
Game Text Escaramuza o Reagrupación: Avista 3 compañeros Elfos para liberar un sitio o para esforzar un siervo.
Lore Una línea presta de espadas Élficas puede mantener a raya a muchas de las hordas del Enemigo.
FR - French
Card Name Mur d'Épées
Game Text Combat ou Ralliement : Désignez 3 compagnons Elfes pour libérer un site ou affaiblir un séide.
Lore Une ferme ligne de lames elfiques peut arrêter un grand nombre d'hordes de l'Ennemi.
IT - Italian
Card Name Muro di Spade
Game Text Schermaglia o

Raccolta: Avvista 3 compagni Elfi per liberare un sito o sforzare un servitore.

Lore Una salda linea di lame elfiche può tenere lontane le orde del Nemico.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S084.0
GEMP ID 4_84
LOTRO Hex ID 64 95 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_084


Sword-wall is rarely played. As a site liberation card, it's overshadowed by That Is No Orc Horn (5C14) , which has the same cost and cultural enforcement but a more-useful secondary effect. As a direct wounding card, it can't kill minions and comes so late in the turn that it's unlikely to help kill any minion that wasn't going to lose its skirmish anyway. Elves generally don't have any skirmish phase wounding to speak of, other than the wound from winning a skirmish, and the spotting requirement limits this to Elven decks.

The card is mainly useful for its site liberation effect. Liberating a site unexpectedly can throw off skirmish bonuses for cards like Dunlending Elder (6C2) in Dunland Site Control or Tower Walkway (7C315) in Besiegers. While there are a lot of cultures that can control sites— Isengard, Sauron, Dunland, Raider, Men, and Uruk-hai cultures all can—site control Shadow decks tend to be pretty predictable, since they need to start setting up their site control ASAP. If your opponent hasn't played a card that mentions controlling sites by about site 4, you can probably safely assume they're not going to.

As a wounding card, Sword-wall is fine but unremarkable. It's useful for shutting down minions with obnoxious skirmish phase or regroup phase exertion abilities like Orc Scouting Band (1U270) or Isengard Worker (3C62) . It can also set up various Elven effects that spot wounded minions, like Lórien Swordsman (4C78) , Blades Drawn (4U60) , Feathered (4U66) , and Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men (10R6) . You can also just use it to notch an extra wound on a minion to make sure it dies when it loses its skirmish, if you'd rather. The cost is negligible since it comes so late in the turn, unless you're planning to move again this round or playing against Raider culture decks, which can sometimes respond with cards like Whirling Strike (4C260) .

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]